Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
Our firm was established in Mumbai and has been working in this field for the last 25 years we began our relation with pharma, food and flavor industry with all licenses in place . Our activities include marketing and distributio
We are engaged in distribution business in Pune, done till date business of over Rs. 5.5 crore this year. We have sales team of 10 persons and good market knowledge. I have over 12 years experience of working with FMCG companies.
Franchise available for unique rechargeable battery from Korean manufacturers that can be recharged for 500 times. Unlike normal rechargeable batteries, each battery has built-in micro-USB port. So, separate charger is not require
I am from Nagpur cityOur company is already superstockiest for food products for 10years, I want to expand the business .I have started a new company. I am interested in taking distributorship,superstockistetfor food produ
My company since 56 years has experience of handling fleets, Transport , Logistics contracts , Warehousing and CnF agency. I have More than 10 years of experience in C&F. Already working with three companies. Can invest from Rs. 5
We are the distributors for Patanjali Products We want to expand our business. We want to become super-stockist for FMCG products like food, snacks, detergent, and other household items. Currently we are having a shop of 400 sq ft
We are the distributor for PVC plumbing pipes for more than 1 year, want to expand our business. We want to become distributor for drip irrigation products. We are also having 20 years of experience in marketing. Have our own offi
Having an experience of 15 years as a distributor for mineral water. We want to expand our business. We want to become distributor for mineral water and other beverages like health drink, soft drinks, etc. We are having shop, godo
We are one of the leading and well known distributors for FMCG products and other consumer products. We have a good experience of 10 years in this field. We are currently distributing ITC and Loreal Cosmetic, Food and Non Food Pro
We are running our shop of stationary and gift items for more than 20 years. Now we want to become distributor for stationary products and gift items. We have our showroom expanded in 250 Sq Ft. And we can invest Rs. 2 Lakhs. Cont