Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We are the distributor for namkeen and instant made food for about 1 year. We want to expand our business. We want to beome distributor for FMCG products like snacks, namkeen, etc. We are having godown of about 2000 sq ft. We are
We are having of about 1 year of experience as distributor for noodles. We want to expand our business. We want to become distributor for FMCG products. Have office of about 1000 sq ft and godown of 5000 sq ft. We are prepared to
We are super-stockist for a company that deals in herbal cosmetics, now want to expand our business. We want to become super-stockist for herbal products like herbal cosmetics, herbal FMCG products, etc. So for that we are looking
Having 5 years of experience as tea distributor, want to grow our business. We want to become distributor for FMCG products like snacks, chips, namkeen, soft drinks, etc. Having a godown of 2000 sq ft and prepared to invest Rs. 5
I am having 2 years of experience in marketing of pooja items. Now I want to become distributor for food products. I am having team of 7 members and I can invest Rs. 50,000. Please contact me if interested.
Having 5 years of experience as commission agent. Want to start my own business. I want to become distributor for cosmetics. I can invest Rs. 1 Lakh. Interested company can contact us.
Having 2 years of experience as distributor, want to expand our business. We want to become CNF agents for pharmaceuticals. Have a godown of 2400 sq ft. and also have a good sales team. We are prepared to invest Rs. 30 Lakhs. Plea
We are distributors for health suppliments and medical products in Vidarbha, Goa and South zone for 2 years. Want to add more products to our distribution profile. We want to become distributor for pharmaceuticals and health suppl
We are the super- stockist of cosmetics in Mumbai, Maharashtra for more than 3 years, want to add more products to our distribution profile. We want to become super- stockist for cosmetics. Our strength lies into delivering the ma
I want to start a new business. I want to become distributor for shoes and apparels. Having shop and ready to invest Rs. 3 Lakhs. Please contact me if interested.