Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We've been selling medicinal products for the previous seven years. We have a two-person staff, a large warehouse, and logistics for our customers. We're based in Maharashtra and work with around ten Akola shops. We currently want
We've been manufacturing paper products in Maharashtra for the past ten years and now wish to branch out as a C&F agency for agro products and fertilizers. We have an amazing team of eight people to work with, as well as a vast 80
We're from Kolhapur and want to start our own FMCG and automotive accessory business. We also have two years of experience in the automobile industry. For the time being, we have a warehouse, and the remainder of the items may be
We're based in Kolhapur and have over 5 years of sales and marketing experience. We have a 2000-square-foot warehouse, a five-person sales staff, and a fantastic transportation facility to work with. We'd like to work as an FMCG,
For the last 6 years, we have been a super stockist and distributor of FMCG, food, beverages, health care and cosmetic products. Presently, we cover Mumbai, Thane & Navi Mumbai. With the help of 3 sales staff, we are currently se
I've worked in business for the past 50 years, in telecom for the last 25 years, and in LPG for the previous 25 years. We have access to 5 salespeople, a warehouse, and transportation. The rest will be taken care of according to t
I've been in the business of importing imitation jewellery for the past seven years, and prior to that, worked in sales and marketing for 15 years. We'd like to expand our company even further. We're situated in Maharashtra and pl
We're a Pune-based firm that offers businesses the best tailor-made solutions in the business service domain, with a focus on sales enhancement via up-selling, lateral sales, cross-selling, market segmentation, market research, cr
For the past 6 years, we've been a Maharashtra-based distributor of FMCG like as spices and food products, and we're seeking for further chances in this industry. To work with, we have a 700 square foot warehouse, three salespeopl
We've been a super stockist, distributor, and wholesaler of FMCG products for the past 11 years, and we export and import, dealing with many top brands from Europe and the Gulf. As a super stockist, distributor, and wholesaler, we