Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We have been retailing readymade garments for more than 10 years in Kandivali East, Maharashtra. We have worked with one of the biggest export brands Zemoda. We are now looking for distributorship of Ladies’ Garments, Gowns, Rea
After spending 8 years as an IT employee, I started my own distribution business in Mumbai, Maharashtra. I am now looking for diverse products- FMCG, Grocery, Household Goods, Cosmetics etc. for our market. We have godown space al
Since 1940, we have been into the wholesaling trade in Nagpur, Maharashtra. For the last 20 years we are Superstockist of House Cleaning Products. We are now interested to expand our product ranges and want to deal with good quali
It has been around 12 years we have been working as wholesaler of Pharma Products in Pune, Maharashtra. We are now looking for distributorship of Pharmacy Products, Cosmetics, Healthcare Products & Medical Equipment for our market
With diverse experiences in field of Oil, Power, Mine and Fertilizers across Globe, we started our own business of supplying mechanical/ industrial equipment around half a decade back. We are now looking for good quality industria
For almost 10 years we have been dealing with telecom and allied products in Goregaon East, Maharashtra. We want to expand our range of products to deal with Ayurvedic & Herbal Products, Fashion Accessories, FMCG Products, Baby an
For almost 7 years we have been working as C & F Agent of different international brands of cosmetics including Lovance and Lycon in and across Mumbai, Maharashtra. We also import products from Singapore and distribute those in ou
We have been into retail of Sarees for almost 3 years in Akola, Maharashtra. Now, we are looking for distributorship of Female garments, Sarees, female clothing, apparels for our market. We have 500 sq. ft. godown space and 10*20
We have been working as a wholesaler of grocery items for quite a time in Kurla, Maharashtra. We are now looking for FMCG Products, daily consumer durables and household products for our market in Kurla, Andheri and Mumbai. We hav
After spending 16 years into IT Industry, I now want to start distributorship of any salable products in Thane, Maharashtra. I am interested in diverse products ranging from FMCG, Grocery, Consumer Goods to IT Products for the mar