Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We are into warehousing business for more than 3 years in Nagpur, Maharashtra. We also own a tea firm. We are now looking for C & F Agency of any good salable products for the market. We can deal with range of products from FMCG t
For almost 30 years we have been into wholesaling of automobile spare parts in Nagpur, Maharashtra. Now, we want to be C & F Agent of any good product ranging from FMCG to Automobile accessories. We have 3000 sq. ft warehousing fa
With prior experience in marketing, we entered wholesaling trade 8 years ago in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. Now, we want distributorship of FMCG products, consumer goods and household products for our market. We have a broad market c
After around 2 years’ experience as regional manager for a dry fruit company, I started my own distribution business of FMCG foods half a year back in Navi Mumbai. My distribution territory is ranged from Airoli to Koperkhairne.
For around 3 years we have been into wholesaling of FMCG Products, Consumer Goods and household products in Nagpur, Maharashtra. We are now seeking distributorship of good quality FMCG Products for our market. We have 1000 sq. ft.
For almost 15 years, we have been retailing Sareers in Ambarnath, Maharashtra. We also had been into marketing for 2 years. Now, we are interested to get distributorship of FMCG Products like soap, detergents, spices, consumer goo
We are into marketing of automobile parts for almost 4 years in Pune, Maharashtra. We are now looking for distributorship of mechanical and industrial products, 3d printers, mechanical tools and accessories. We actually need any p
With our experience as Interior contractor and metal importer we started distribution of housekeeping and electronic products for our market in Pune. We now want to expand the range of products and want to include products like FM
We have been operating as a Superstockist for Capital Foods and Ban Labs in Bhiwandi, Thane, Kalyan region of Maharashtra for quite a time. We are now looking for foods & beverages, FMCG products, retail products for our market. W
For almost two decades we have been working and dealing with fashion industry, fashion training and beauty products in Nashik, Maharashtra. We are now looking for C & F Agency/ Distributorship of diverse products like automobile s