Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We are toothbrush Wholesaler in Aurangabad City for last 6 months. Have good market knowledge and requisite distribution infrastructure like 1000 sq ft godown. Serving 50 retailers at present. Can invest upto Rs. 5 lacs depending
We are Working as Distributor/Stockist/ Wholesaler/Retailer for 10 years in Aurangabad, Maharashtra. Specifically, we have been retailer of fmcg food products, distributor of incense sticks, aggarbatti and distributor of pens. Hav
We are distributor of spices in Kolhapur for last 5 years - serving nearly 400 wholesalers and retailers at present. Have 2000 sq ft godown and 2 sales persons. Can invest upto Rs. 5 lacs for good products. Looking for distributor
I am a Civil Engineer and have been involved in construction and earthmover business for 4 years. For last 1 year, we are engaged in distribution of grease and engine oil in Kolhapur, Maharashtra. Have 3000 sq ft godown, other nec
We have been active in sales of herbal and cosmetic products, food supplements, surgical disposable, PRP tubes, Spa and Wellness salon products etc. in Navi Mumbai for last 11 years. Have a shop and distribution facilities. Presen
We are distributor and super stockist of food related products - namkeen, sauce, mayonnaise etc. in Thane. Have over 2 years experience in this field. Have godown of 750 sq ft., transportation vehicles, office, staff and other d
I have over 18 years experience in trading and distribution business. Working as Super Stockist of mobile accessories for last one year in Thane, Maharashtra. Have 700 sq ft godown, transportation and other facilities - 3 sales s
We are wholesaler of spices and kirana products in Ambejogai, Beed District of Maharashtra. Have over 5 years experience in this line, have a godown of 400 sq ft and shop, 3 sales persons. Can invest Rs. 3 lacs to Rs. 5 lacs. We a
We have been in wholesale and distribution business for 30 years, involved in stationery and related products. Have shop and office - doing distribution at the heart of the city and key wholesale market. Have 1000 sq ft godown and
We are open to undertake new business opportunities in becoming distributors, dealers, agents or business expansion associates. Please provide details to make a successful deal. We are having vast experience in European made Machi