Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
Currently we are working as wholesalers in FMCG sector in Thane. We are looking forward to expand our business in this sector. We have our own space of around 1300 sq feet also we have 4 staff working with us and also transportati
We are into FMCG business from last 5 years with well known brands in Latur, Maharashtra. Have well established distribution network - 2000 sq ft godown, office, vehicles, 2 sales persons etc. Presently serving 700 retailers and w
We have been wholesaler and distributor in Kalyan for last 10 years. Have 2 godowns of 500 sq ft and 1000 sq ft, Have good market information, can invest upto Rs. 10 lacs depending upon product. Looking for distributorship of FMC
We are wholesaler of FMCG products in Nashik. Been in wholesale business of FMCG, Pesticides, Floor Cleaning products for last 2 years and before that I spent 10 years as medical sales person. Have very good understanding of Nashi
We have been in manufacturing business for 7 years achieving turn over of Rs. 10 crores. Now starting distribution business in Pune. Have large infrastructure like 6000 sq ft godown, 7 sales staff etc. Can invest Rs. 5 to Rs. 10 l
We are from Palghar, Maharashtra - have 15 years of experience in restaurant business and as FMCG product distributor. Looking for new distributorship of men's and women clothing, casuals and formals. Have 1500 sq ft of storage ar
We have been in retail business for last 15 years in Mumbai. Have 4 FMCG retail outlets dealing in garments, toys and cosmetics. We are primarily selling to end consumers - have over 5000 customers. Have enough godown space, sales
We have been involved in wholesaling, stocking and retail of tobacco and cigarette in Khamgaon, Maharashtra for last 20 years. In distribution infrastructure, we have godown 500 sq ft and 2 shops, each of 200 sq ft. each. Have a s
We have been in business of Pharmaceutical sales and distribution in Thane for product like Vaccines, Hormones, Immunoglobulin etc which are cold chain products. Using the same infrastructure - we are looking forward for expansion
We have been in distribution trade since last year in Tasgaon, Maharashtra - distributing snacks and namkeen, wafers, kurkure, biscuits etc. Have necessary distribution infrastructure and sales team, can invest Rs. 2 lac - 5 lac