Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We are into business line for the last years and now looking to work as a Distributor of Telecom Products. We have the available infrastructure and ready to invest 50k to 2 lakhs. Kindly contact us for business.
Hellow, our company is working as a super stockist of Majano Wafers and Namkeen and distributor of Govind Milk Products. Our annual turnover is more than 50 lakhs. In order to expand our business, we are ready to take Distributors
We are into the retail business of chips and looking forward to expanding our business. We would like to work as a Distributor of Green House Shades and Food Items. We have 8000 sq.ft. godown, manpower etc. Our investment will be
We are Maharashtra based company dealing in in namkin products for the last six months and have an overall experience of 6 years. In order to expand our business, we would like to work as a Distributor of Consumer Goods. We have
We have 15 years of experience in the transport line and now we are looking to work as a Distributor/Superstockist. We want to work with companies dealing in Food Products and Cosmetics. We have labour, godown, vehicle and investm
We are a new company looking at distributorship opportunities in FMCG Products. The proprietor is a returning NRI with 20+ years of working in Hong Kong export sector and buying and dealing with Chinese manufacturers. Our company
We have been into the distribution business for the last 4 years and making an annual turnover of 40 crores. We are looking to expand it further and take Distributorship of Electrical and Mechanical Products. We have more than 900
We are working as C and F Agent working with Balaji Wafers Pvt Ltd since 2003 and looking to expand in the same sector. We would like to take the C and F agency of FMCG Products. We have vehicles, manpower and godown if require we
Our company is located in Thane, Maharashtra and working as a Distributor for the last 4 years. Our annual turnover is more than 35 crores. We are looking to add more products related to Food and Consumer Goods. We have 6000 sq.ft
We are dealing in FMCG products for over two decades. In order to diversify our business we are ready to take Distributorship of Garments and Home Furnishing Products. We have more than 800 sq.ft. godown and 4 staff members. We ar