Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
I am looking to start a new business as a Distributor. I have an investment capacity of 2-5 lakhs and open for Electrical Products like LED lights etc. Please contact me asap for further discussion.
We are located in Mumbai. Currently, we are interested in taking Distributorship of Toys. We have godown, staffs and ready to put an investment of 2-5 lakhs. Please contact us for further discussion.
We are Mumbai based company making an annual turnover of 50 lakhs to 1 crore. We are looking to work as a Superstockist of Bakery Products. In infrastructure we have godown, staffs and ready to put an investment of 2-5 lakhs. Inte
We have 25 years of experience in as a c and f agent. We want to expand our business and work as a Superstockist/Distributor of Pharmaceutical, Household Products. We are established firm in Nagpur having 2 godowns measuring 5000
We have been mainly in the service sector since 2008 but we also do trade in selected items and making an annual turnover of 1-2 crores. We are looking to diversify also into new products and work as a Distributor of Glass Plastic
We are into trading for the last 11 years and making an annual turnover of 1-2 crores. We are ready to work as a Distributor of Aquarium Accessories. We have available godown, staffs, and initially, have an investment capacity up
We are a third generation family-owned business with verticals into Real estate, construction, building material suppliers and logistics. We are looking to explore a new business opportunity by getting engaged with branded product
We are Maharashtra based firm dealing in multiple products for the 50 years and making an annual turnover of 5-10 crores. In order to expand our business further we want to work as a Superstockist of Consumer Goods and Rice. We ha
We are supplying all Ortho Rehabilitation Products for the last 10 years and working as medical representative. We want to work as a Distributor with companies dealing Ortho Products. We can invest up to 2 lakhs and have godown,
I am from Aurangabad, Maharashtra and looking start a distribution agency. I would like to work as a Distributor of FMCG Products. I have 1000 sq.ft. godown space. I am ready to invest up to 5 lakhs if the product is good. Please