Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We are into business since last 20 years. We have distributorship of various companies across India. Now we are looking to work as a C and F Agent of Consumer Products, Electronic, Pharmaceutical etc. In infrastructure, we have 50
Our company is located in Pune, Maharashtra. We want to work as a Superstockist of Food Products. We have 120 sq.ft. storage space and more can be arranged if required. Initially, we can invest up to 2 lakhs. Interested manufactur
We are working as c and f agent for the last 26 years based in Maharashtra. Presently, we are looking to get engaged with more companies dealing in Pharmaceutical, Beverages, Electrical Products. We have godown, manpower and trans
We are based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. We are open to work as a Distributor of Food Products. We have 600 sq.ft. godown, one pickup truck and 2 staff, looking out for good opportunities in distribution business. We can invest 50k to
We are from Kagal, Maharashtra and working as a distributor of notebooks, textbooks etc making an annual turnover of 20-30 lakhs. In order to diversify our business, we would prefer to take Distributorship of Food Products. We hav
We are dealing in stationery products for the last 4 years and making a good turnover, We are looking to add more products so we require Distributorship of Stationery Items. We have more than 2000 sq.ft. godown with staffs. If pro
We are a trading firm located in Nagpur and are looking for business diversification. We are ready to work as a Superstockist of FMCG Products. We have available godown space, staffs and investment will be as per the requirement.
We are distributors in Mumbai. We would like to add more products in our business, if you are looking to appoint Pet Food Distributors then please let us know. We have more than 500 sq.ft. godown, staffs, commercial vehicles. We c
We are based in Nagpur and looking forward to associating with reputed manufacturers as C&F agent/ Super stockist for a diversified range of products like Electronic Goods. We have Interested manufacturers may contact us.
We have just started the business. We are looking to invest in an established company dealing in FMCG Products. We have GST number, food license, 600 sq.ft. available in Andheri, 2 two-wheelers and a 4 wheeler. We can provide time