Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
Our company is recently started and we are equipped with all the necessary resources like 600 sq.ft. godown, staffs, commercial vehicles etc. We would like to get Distributorship of Medical Equipment. We are ready to invest up to
Hello, I am based in and have more than 5 years of sales experience. Presently, I am looking to take Distributorship of Chocolates. I have godown and investment capacity up to 2 lakhs. Kindly contact me if any opportunity availabl
We are based in Thane and interested in c&f operations. Please contact us directly
Our family business is running for the last 3-4 generations and we are working as a Super Stockist of Ayurvedic Products for the last one year and making an annual turnover of2-5 crores. We are open to any products like Automobile
I am from Pune and looking to get Distributorship of Packed Food Products. I can invest up to 2 lakhs and godown can be arranged as per the requirement. Kindly get in touch if you are interested in working with us.
I am looking to get Distributorship of FMCG Products. I have storage space and investment capacity of 2-5 lakhs for good products. Please contact us for long term business deal.
Our company is dealing in IT products for the last 2 years. At the moment we are looking for some different products like Automobile Spare Parts. We have 800 sq.ft. with staffs and ready to invest any amount for good products. Ple
We are working as a retailer for the last 10 years and making an annual turnover of 50 lakhs-1 crore. We want to expand our business and work as a Distributor of Men Tshirt, Jeans, Garment etc. We have two shops, godown, staffs et
We are from Maharashtra and engaged in stocking products. At the moment we are ready to work as Super Stockist of Food Products. We have 2000 sq.ft.godown, staffs and investment capacity up 2 lakhs. Kindly get in touch with your b
We are an authorized distributor of Luker LED Lights, RR Electric Home Appliances for the last 5 years. We want to add more products so we need Distributorship of Electrical Products. We have distribution infrastructure and ready