Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Maharashtra ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Maharashtra. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We are Distributors and Super Stockists of FMCG Products in Pune, Maharashtra. We want to expand our business and can invest up to a crore, and godown and staff members will be arranged as per requirement. Interested manufacturers
We are Distributors of Herbal OTC and FMCG Products in Navi Mumbai, Pune, Nashik, Maharashtra for the last 15 years with a turnover of about 20-30 lakhs. We want to expand our business and can invest up to 10 lakhs, have enough go
We are Distributors of Garments in Ulhasnagar, Maharashtra for the last 5 years. We want to expand our business and can invest up to 2 lakhs, have enough godown space and 3 staff members. Interested manufacturers, please contact u
We were distributors of construction chemicals in Nagpur, Maharashtra for 4-5 years with a turnover of about 20 lakhs a month. We want to expand our business in Engineering Products in Nagpur, Pune, Mumbai, Maharashtra and can inv
We are starting as Distributors of Pharmaceutical Products in Mumbai and Pune, Maharashtra with a turnover of about 5-10 lakhs in our previous business. We can invest up to 10 lakhs and godown and staff members will be arranged la
We are starting as Distributors of Machinery and Industrial Products in Pune, Maharashtra and can invest up to 2 lakhs and godown and staff members will be arranged later. Interested manufacturers, please contact us for business.
We are in Fabrication field for the last 4 years and also dealing in copper utensils in all over Mumbai. In order to increase our business we want to take Distributorship of FMCG and Home Appliances. We have 300 sq.ft. godown with
We are Distributors of Pumps, Valves, Technical Services in Mumbai, Maharashtra for the last 2 years with a turnover of about 2-5 lakhs. We want to expand our business and can invest up to 2 lakhs, have enough godown space and sta
We are starting as Distributors of Food & Bakery Products in Nagpur & Vidharbha, Maharashtra. We can invest up to 10 lakhs, have an office and godown and staff members will be arranged later as per requirement. Interested manufact
We are Distributors of FMCG Products in Palghar, Maharashtra for the last 3-5 years with a turnover of about 10-20 lakhs a year. We want to expand our business and can invest up to 5 lakhs, have a 305 sq.ft godown, transportation