Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Paper And Stationery ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of paper and stationery across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We have been in the wholesale business and dealing with FMCG commodities for the past two years. We now wish to expand based on our market understanding. We have several warehouses, a five-person support crew, and required transpo
I've been working abroad for the past three years and have acquired abilities such as administrative work, sales, and marketing; I've recently started my own venture. To work with, I have a 2000 square foot warehouse, a crew of fi
We've been working on our own distribution endeavour for the past two months. We have 1000 square feet of storage space, a staff of three employees, and access to transportation. The rest will be arranged according to the needs. S
I have over 3 years of pharmaceutical background and have launched my own distribution company that deals with medication and consumer items. I have 600 square feet of storage space, a team of two highly efficient staff, and trans
I've been in retailing and dealing with computer peripherals and other consumables for the past 12 years. Now I wish to expand my venture. To work with, I have 300 square feet of storage space, a crew of four capable individuals,
I've been retailing and running my own gift shop in Hyderabad for the past five years. Now I want to branch out into distribution and am looking for opportunities. I have 1000 square feet of storage space, a staff of two highly ef
I am a cosmetics and stationery distributor headquartered in Trivandrum; I previously worked for a reputable company for 5 years as a sales professional. I have 800 square feet of storage space, two extremely efficient workers, an
I've been in the diaper wholesale business for the past five years and am now looking for ways to expand our organization. I have 1000 square feet of storage space, a crew of two productive employees, and transportation privileges
I'm an FMCG distributor with over three years of experience situated in Karnataka. I have 1,000 square feet of storage space, two efficient staff, and access to transportation. In our region, I currently serve roughly 30 retailers
We've been in the wholesale trade of disposable products for the past 20 years, as well as serving as a super stockist for reputable brands. We have 2000 square feet of storage space, a staff of 10 capable workers, and transportat