Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Paper And Stationery ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of paper and stationery across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
I have been into sales of FMCG Products for around 5 years. Now, I am looking for distributorship of Over-the-counter Products like baby care products, diapers, Sanitary pads etc. for market in Rajkot, Gujarat. I have 350 sq ft. s
We have been into retail business of stationary items for 3-4 years in Pulwama, Jammu & Kashmir. We are now looking for good FMCG products, stationary materials, household and consumer goods for our market. We have 5 shops of 10*1
I have worked into automobile sector for around 8 years in Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir. I am now looking for Distributorship of Diverse products ranging from Four Square Cigarettes, two-wheeler spare parts, food products, women hygi
We are into retail business of mobile and mobile accessories for more than a year in Goa. We need products like Computer peripherals, hardware, software and mobile accessories of good brand. Along with market connection, we have n
We are manufacturer of disposable products for more than 6 years in New Delhi. We are now looking for C & F Agency/ Superstockist of diverse products ranging from Computer accessories, telecommunication related products, FMCG good
I have been a trader for Forex and Other NBIs for almost 16 years. For the last 2 years I am engaged into real estate and property dealings in Ludhiana, Punjab. Now, I am looking to be a stockist of Agarbatti, Educational products
Working in printing press for quite a time, we now want distributorship of House cleaning products, diapers, pads etc. for our Pune market. We have 20*17 ft godown space along with transportation facilities for timely delivery. Ou
I have been working in a computer shop for last 3 years. Now, I want to enter the market of Raver, Jalgaon, Maharashtra as a wholesaler of computer peripherals, hardware and software. I have 150 sq. ft. shop along with other neces
We are into distribution of sanitary napkins for quite a time in Bhagalpur, Bihar. We are looking for franchise or Superstokcist of Sanitary napkins and disposable diapers for the market. We have 700 sq. ft. office, 500 sq. ft. go
I have been into Banking sector for long time and started distribution of personal care products for quite a time. I want products like designer bags, personal care products, costumes and apparels of good brands for the market of