Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Paper And Stationery ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of paper and stationery across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
I have been into Banking sector for more than 7 years. Now, I want to enter the market as Distributor of soap/detergents, FMCG products, house cleaning products etc. for Bihar and Jharkhand region. I have 1000 sq. ft. godown space
We have been into sales of educational products for more than 13 years. Recently, we have started manufacturing and distributing scrubbers for utensils in Bidar, Karnataka. We are now looking for distributorship of products like h
For almost 3 years we have been into travel and tourism business in Islampur, Maharashtra. We are now looking for Distributorship of Baby Diapers, Disposable diapers of good brands. We have 1200 sq. ft. godown facility along with
We are distributor/ wholesaler of interior design products and Sanitary napkins for almost 8 years in Kulgam, Jammu and Kashmir. We are now looking for salable products like electrical/electronic products, FMCG goods, Sanitary nap
We have been working in Pharmaceutical product distribution for 5 years in Bijapur, Karnataka. We are now looking for distributorship for products like Sanitary napkins, diapers etc. We are also interested in C&F agency of Pharma
We have been working in the wholesale market of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu for the last 15 years. We have been the distributors of Household cleaning products and have a broad network in the market. We have a shop of 500 sq. ft. along
We are into business of reselling antibodies, ELISA kits and Scientific instruments in Chandigarh for 15 years. We also provide services related to advance molecular biology techniques like NGS and LMD-Ms based analysis. Have wid
We are distributor of writing instruments like Pen etc. in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. Been in this business for last 1 year, have godown and office premises in Vijayawada apart from wide distribution network. Serving 30 dealers a
We are a marketing company in Mumbai, looking to get foothold in distributorship business. Have been in business since 2011, have full distribution infrastructure like 800 sq ft godown, transportation etc. - besides 5 sales person
We have been a distributor of mobile accessories for last 5 years in Kottayam, Kerala. Have 2000 sq ft godown and 500 sq ft shop - can invest upto Rs. 25 lacs. With accumulated market knowledge and distribution infrastructure - we