Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Soaps And Detergents ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of soaps and detergents across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
Hello! Presently we are the distributors of consumer goods and we are in this business from the past 2-2.5 years with a monthly turnover of 7-8 lacs. In order to expand our business we would like to work with more companies for th
Presently we are working as a distributor of computer and peripherals, we are in this field for about 10-15 years. In order to extend our business, we want to take distributorship of FMCG.We can arrange godown as per the requireme
Presently, we are the distributors of Ghadi Detergent Powder.From the last 7 years, we are in this field of business but to move further we want to take Distributorship of Consumer Goods. We own both office and godown and also the
Greetings! Presently We are working as a distributor of well known cosmetic brands from the last 2 years with an annual turnover of 30 lacs per year.In order to move further, we want to take Distributorship of Consumer Goods, Snac
We are dealing in iron-related products having an experience of 7-8 years and our company's annual turnover is around 1 crore. At moment we are interested in taking Distributorship of Daily Use Household Products. We have the
We have a family business of hardware, grains etc. Recently, we have started a distribution agency of snacks, namkeen, and cosmetics. Our company's annual turnover is around 20-30 lakhs. We are interested in working as Super S
We are the distributors of Tata Sky, Telenor and other related products from the past 4 years with a turnover of 30 lacs per month.Now, we want to work with some more companies for that we need to take Distributorship of FMCG and
I am working as a distributor of agarbatti and papad for the last 6 months and my sales is around 3-4 lakhs per month. Also, I have an experience of 3 years in real estate business. I am looking forward to getting Distributorship
We are presently working as the distributor of FMCG like food products from the last 5 years with an annual turnover of about 2 lacs. In order to expand our business, we would like to take the Distributorship of Grocery Products
Since 2007, we are one of the leading distributors of edible oils, sugar and cotton in Jaipur, Rajasthan with a turnover of 40 lacs per year. Now, we also want to grab some more business opportunities this is the reason we need