Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Soaps And Detergents ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of soaps and detergents across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We are looking for the distributorship of FMCG products. Have all the infrastructural facilities. Investment can be done up to Rs.5 lakhs. Please mail us your product range and price list.
I am interested to be distributor for FMCG products for that I have 2 years of experience in this field as the distributor. We have all the infrastructural facilities. Prepared to invest Rs.5 lakhs. Please provide information abou
We are reputed distributor for FMCG products in Odisha, and want to add more products to our network. We have all the infrastructural facilities with us. Prepared to invest Rs.20 lakhs. Please let us know about your product list a
We are supplier of telecom and liquor products from last 8 years. We are interested in the distributorship of FMCG products. We have 8 years of experience with a chain of approx 100 retailers in the region with a team of 12 person
We are interested to be distributor for FMCG products. Ready to invest Rs.3 lakhs. Please let us know about your product details and price offer.
I am looking for the distributorship FMCG products in Delhi. Can invest upto 2 lacs. Please mail me your offer with products you offer.
We have 7 years of experience in trading of confectionery products, and now looking for the distributorship for the same. Investment can be done up to Rs.3 lakhs. Please mail us your product range and price details.
I worked as a sales officer in many FMCG based companies and now searching for good opportunity, so interested in distributorship of FMCG products. Prepared to invest Rs.20 lakhs. Please mail me your product list and price.
I am looking for the distributorship FMCG products in Odisha. Can invest upto 10 lacs. Please mail me your offer with products you offer.
Currently, we are distributor for FMCG and stationary products in Kottayam, Kerala, now we are open for the cosmetics. We have all the good infrastructural facilities. Prepared to invest Rs.10 lakhs. Please contact us with your te