Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Soaps And Detergents ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of soaps and detergents across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We are dealing Fmcg Products like cosmetics bakery confectionery items etc for the last 10 years. We would like to add more products related to FMCG. We have 2000 sq.ft. godown along with experienced staff members. Our investment
We are doing distribution of Dairy products for leading brands for the last 18 years. We would like to work as a Distributor of more FMCG and Dairy Products. Currently, we have a 1000 sq.ft. godown, 10 staff members and we can inv
We are working as a Distributor of all kind of consumer goods having 3 years of experience in the same field. In order to expand our business, we need Distributorship of Sauces, Detergent, Soaps, Snacks, FMCG Products etc. We hav
We are into distribution line for the last 3-4 years. We would like to add more products related to FMCG like snacks, beverages, cosmetics, soaps, cleaning products etc. We have 6000 sq.ft. godown and 600 sq.ft. shop as well along
We have started our trading company one year ago and we want to work as a Superstockist of Consumer Goods. In infrastructure, we have 2000 sq.ft. godown, 4 staff members and invest will be as per the products. Any manufacturers wh
Hello, We are interested in taking Distributorship of Personal Care and FMCG Products. We have 2000 sq.ft. godown, staffs and ready to invest as per the requirement. Manufacturers are requested to contact us with a business propos
Hello, I am starting a distribution agency in Chinglepet, Tamil Nadu. I want to Distribute Food and Consumer Goods. I have 300 sq.ft. godown, one staff and investment will be as per the requirement. Please let us know if you are i
We have 15 years of experience in running a bakery shop and for the last one year, we are active as a garment manufacturer. In order to expand our business, we are ready to work as a Superstockist of FMCG Products. We have space,
Our company is established in December 2019 and currently working as a super stockist of a foreign cosmetic brand in the district of Agra. The firm is managed from the same place where the stock is placed, currently, we are lookin
We have recently started our company in Balasore, Odisha. We are interested in working as a Superstockist of Food and FMCG Products. We have 300 sq.ft. godown and 2 staff members can be increased. Our initial investment will be 2-