Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Soaps And Detergents ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of soaps and detergents across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We are in to distribution line for the last 10 years and now we are expanding our business by adding more Consumer Goods. We have 1200 sq.ft. godown along with vehicles and staffs. We are ready to invest in 2-5 lakhs for good prod
We are working as distributor of Bisleri for the last 2 years. We are looking to add more products to our distribution line like Daily Use Household and Dairy Products etc. We have 4000 sq.ft. godown along with manpower. We are re
We are working as a distributor for the last 10 years and our company was established in 1995. At the moment we are looking for more products like Food and Beverages, Consumer Goods to the market in our area. We have a godown with
Our firm is renowned in the electrical market in Pune. We have 19 years of counter experience and now looking for new fields like Consumer Goods, Electrical or any innovative Products. We have 600 sq.ft. godown with staff members
We are working as the sales agent for the last one year. We want to work with more companies as their Sales Agent for Daily Use Products. We have a market network and a small office. If required we can also put an investment of 50
We are in the distribution line for last one year. We are interested in adding more products in our portfolio like FMCG and Food Products. We have 1700 sq.ft. godown along with staff members. Our range of investment is 5-10 lakhs
We are having rich experience of 30 years in C & F operation. We are ready to wok as C and F Agent of FMCG and Pharmaceutical Products for Tamilnadu and Kerala. We have large vacant space of around 10000 sq.ft.for making godowns a
Hello, we are in the business line for the last 2-3 years. Currently, we are looking for Distributorship opportunities in FMCG Products. We have 300 sq.ft. godown with 2-3 staffs. Please let us know we will invest 5-10 lakhs with
We are dealing in FMCG in biscuits, sauce, detergent etc for the past 4 years. We need to increase the business by working as a C and F Agent/Superstockist of Consumer Goods. We have 3000 sq.ft. space, along with 5 staffs, transpo
We have just started our business and have one year of professional experience. We are interested in taking C and F Agency of Consumer and Automobile Parts etc. We have 1200 sq.ft. along with staffs and transportations. We can als