Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Soaps And Detergents ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of soaps and detergents across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We have 3 years of experience in C&F, warehouse and distribution and looking to continue the same by adding more products. We have set up at Bhiwandi with 6000 sq ft warehouse with office space and experienced resources available.
We are super stockist of Cauvery bath soaps 4-6 years, and making 20-30 lakhs as annual turnover. We are looking to expand our business and add more Toiletries Products. We have 700 sq.ft. godown, staffs and we can invest up to 2
We are Super Stockists of FMCG Products in Samshabad, Agra, U.P for the last 6 years. We are looking for more opportunities in Tobacco-Related Products, Soap &Detergent, Spices etc. We can invest up to 40 lakhs, have a godown and
We have 12 years of experience in the business line and worked with Maahi milk producer pvt ltd. We are looking to take Distributorship of all FMCG Products. We have 500 sq.ft. godown, one vehicle, 3-4 staff members. Initially, we
We are a trading company active for the last 5-6 years, we also deal in computer peripherals. We have also started the distribution of reliance FMCG Products 8 months ago and looking to add more FMCG Products in our portfolio. We
We are running a firm in partnership having 2 years of experience in the trading line. We are willing to work as a Distributor of Food Products. We have 2 godowns of area 600 sq.ft. approximately and 2-3 staff members. Initially,
We are running a grocery shop for the last 14 years and now we are looking to expand our business. We would like to work as a Distributor of Consumer Goods. We have 500 sq.ft. shop, godown can be arranged as per the requirement, a
Hello, I am working in a partnership in a distribution firm for the last 3 years and now I am looking to start my own agency. I am open to working as a Superstockist FMCG Products. I have 2400 sq.ft. godown, with 5-10 lakhs invest
Our company was established in 2015. We are into birthday party decorations, currently looking to get Distributorship of Food & Beverages, FMCG Products. We have two offices of 1200 sq.ft., 200 sq.ft. which can be increased as per
Ours is a company with over 25 years of experience in the C&F and currently dealing with Asian Paints. We are looking to diversify our business and take C and F Agency of Consumer Goods. We have 1500 sq.ft. godown, 120 staffs, tra