Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers Of Soaps And Detergents ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution of soaps and detergents across India. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com to receive distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
I am from Kolkata looking to start a business. I am willing to get Distributorship of Personal Care and Household Products. We have 1200 sq.ft godown and we are ready to invest 5 lakhs at the initial stage. Looking forward to goo
We are dealing with all kinds of Consumer Goods for the last 2 months and make a good monthly turnover of around 10 lacs. Currently, we are interested in becoming the Super Stockist of FMCG. We own godown area of 5000 sq.ft. with
Our company has been started on 2017. We are distributing FMCG goods to retailers, last 5 months and making a monthly turnover of 1-2 lakhs. We are willing to take Distributorship of Soaps and Detergents. We own godown area of 240
Hello, I am from West Bengal working as a consultant in Oriflame now looking for business opportunities. I have all set for opening a new showroom and start a Distribution Agency of Cosmetics, Beauty Products, Soaps, and Detergent
I am an Engineering Graduate looking start my own business as a Distributor of Grocery Items. I have a shop area of 600-700 sq.ft and I can invest 5 lakhs or more as per the requirement. Please contact me asap for business.
I am self-employed wants to start a business. So I need Distributorship of Daily Use Household Products. I own 4500 sq.ft. godown area and initially I can invest 2-3 lakhs depending on the product it may increase. Please contact
Hello! We are an enterprise of advertising based in Karnataka. We have started our business 6 months ago and making a turnover of 20,000 per month. We want to expand this further and looking to get Distributorship of Soaps & Deter
We are dealing in beauty products with an experience of 16 years and our annual turnover is around 50-60 lakhs. In order to expand our business, we are interested in working as a Super Stockist of Beauty Products. We have a shop,
Currently, we are dealing in pharma, grocery items and electronic goods making an annual turnover of 18 crores. As we are noticing a good response in just 7-8 months of our business we are also interested in being a Super Stockist
We are the company doing business in Pharmaceuticals from the last 17 years. At moment we are interested in being a C & F Agent of Chemicals, Soap & Detergents and Home Furnishing Made-Ups. We own a godown area of 1500 sq.ft. and