Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Uttar Pradesh ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Uttar Pradesh. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We have been providing logistics for the past 30 to 40 years and desire to develop our own business by operating as a C&F agent for FMCG and cosmetic products in Gorakhpur. We have a warehouse and property accessible for warehousi
We are a pharmaceutical and automobile parts C&F agent situated in Varanasi with over 8 years of experience. We have a warehouse, a fantastic team of 50 people, and the opportunity to cooperate with transportation. Currently, we s
We are a C&F agent for FMCG and automobiles based in Uttar Pradesh with over 21 years of experience. We've collaborated with a number of large firms, including Yamaha and Jawa. We have a warehouse, a crew of 50 incredibly efficien
For the past three years, we've been a Moradabad-based super stockist of denims, men's and women's garments, and prior to that, I worked in the service industry. We have a 1000 square foot warehouse, a crew of two incredibly effic
We're a Deoria-based office supply distributor who formerly worked in the UAE for over ten years. We have access to a warehouse, a team of two salespeople, and transportation. We are currently aiming to launch our own office suppl
We've been running our own grocery store for the past year and now want to extend our business by distributing FMCG and infant care products. We also have experience in the field of sales and marketing. We're based in Bareilly and
We're situated in Varanasi and have been in the FMCG distribution business for 15 years. We have a spacious warehouse, a crew of 5 outstanding employees, and the luxury of working with a pleasant transit system. In our immediate a
We are a super stockist situated in Etawah, Uttar Pradesh. We have a lengthy history of banking experience and now wish to launch our own FMCG and healthcare products company. We have access to a warehouse, and the rest of the log
We are building and construction supplies distributors situated in Noida. We've only recently launched our company and have a budget of Rs. 1 crore to work with. We have four salespeople on staff, and the rest of the arrangements
Currently, I work in the biotechnology field, but I wish to build our own ceramic products firm in India. For the time being, we have a budget of up to Rs. 5 lacs and are based in Uttar Pradesh. We'll take care of everything conce