Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Uttar Pradesh ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Uttar Pradesh. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
I have a family business of manufacturing and retailing bakery products since1969 in Gonda. Currently, I want to start my own business. I can arrange for the necessary infrastructure immediately as per the business requirement. I
We have been a distributor and super stockist of home appliances in Uttar Pradesh. With the help of 10 sales staff, we are currently serving around 120 retailers. Have 3000 sqr yards of warehouse space, inventory management system
We have been marketing agents for dry fruits and nuts for the last 3 years in Kanpur. Have a team of 20 sales staff and serving around 20 wholesalers at the moment. Have office and other necessary infrastructure. We are also ready
We have been a retailer of grocery products for more than 150 years. Have a godown space, staff and transport facility. We are ready to invest Rs.50 thousand to Rs. 2 lacs based on the quality of the products. We wish to work as a
I have been running a publication house for the last 5 years. Have 5 staff in my current business. I have a ready to serve godown of 2500 sqr meter. I am also ready to invest Rs. 5 lacs to Rs. 10 lacs based on the quality of the p
We have been a manufacturer of furniture pieces for the last 5 years. I have enough staff in my current business and I have a godown of 700 sqr feet in Swaroop Nagar, Kanpur & more than 100000 sqr feet of space in Unnao, U.P. We a
We have been a distributor of cosmetic and personal care products in Lucknow, U.P for the last 3 months. Have a team of 3 staff and serving 20 to 25 retailers at the moment. Have a godown space of 1000 sqr feet & an investment bud
We are distributors of leather chemical companies and also Emami Ltd for the last 10 years. With the help of 20 staff, we are currently serving 120 retailers. We also have godown and transport facility. We have an investment budge
For the last 1 year, we have been working as a distributor of ready-made garments in Palia. Have a team of 3 sales staff & serving 48 retailers plus 6 wholesalers. Have a godown for storage of products. We are also ready to inves
Handled Parle and Coca-Cola business as a distributor with 50% shareholding for 7+ years and now I am associated with Baidyanath as a distributor. With the help of 5 sales staff, I am currently dealing with more than 1000 retailer