Looking For Verified Distributors And Wholesalers In Uttar Pradesh ? Look no further ! Listed below are detailed profiles of experienced distributors, dealers, wholesalers, super stockists - engaged in distribution, wholesale Carry Forward And Agency across Uttar Pradesh. Each distribution partner listed below has registered at Vanik.com in search of new distribution opportunities from brands like yours. Vanik team verified each of them and collected key details like experience, background, distribution infrastructure, investment capacity, PAN/GST etc. You will never find such curated, verified distributor details anywhere else in India.
We are established distributor of healthcare products in Varanasi since 2012. We deal in pharmaceuticals, ayurvedic and herbal products, cosmetics and toiletries etc. Have sound distribution infrastructure like 2 large godowns, tr
We have been involved in supply of Coal to Brick Manufacturers for last 16 years in all districts of Western U.P. As such, we have very good understanding of the market of Western UP and many contacts. Using the market knowledge -
We are wholesalers and distributors of MS, GI , Plastic pipe and pipe fitting. We are running this business for more than 30 years in Ghaziabad, UP. We have large infrastructure - 2700 sq ft godown, 700 sq ft shop, 200 sq ft offic
We are leading publishers in the country looking to diversify and become a super stockist or C&F for any industry. We have experience in the field of distribution for the past 5 years and the distribution of our publishing textbo
We are working as Super stockist for various brands and C&F Of Pan Masala and Meethi Supari in Kanpur for last 6 months. Have necessary distribution infrastructure like godown of 1400 sq ft, vehicles etc. Can invest upto Rs. 10 la
We are a wholesaler of surgical and healthcare products in Lucknow with over 6 years experience in pharma industry. Have godowns of 2000 sq ft, office, sales staff etc. to serve any healthcare company and good command over local m
We are super stockist of Bikano snacks in Chandauli district of UP for last 1 and half years. We deal in FMCG, Food and Snacks. Presently serving 16 distributors. Have 1200 sq ft godown, transportation, office and 2 sales staff. L
Been in Super Stockist /Distributor Business for last 8 years - managing 15 prestigious brands like Patanjali, DeenDayal Auurved, Chai 24 Etc. In Agra. Have 3 godowns of 2000 sq ft, office, transportation and 10 sales staff, serv
My company is in food and confectionery products in Kanpur for last 7 years - dealing in macroni, pasta noodles, soya chunks etc. Presently distributor of 7 brands - serving 150 wholesalers and retailers. Have 50 sq yard office an
We are wholesaler of FMCG products in Kopaganj Mau (UP) for last 20 years dealing in FMCG products. We have 50 sqr feet office. 4000 sq feet godown, 2 sales staff. Serving 350 retailers in Mau district of UP. We can invest upto Rs