For the past 16 years, we have been a distributor of organic food products in Tamil Nadu. With the help of 3 sales staff, we are currently serving 350 retail outlets. We have1500 sqr feet of godown, 2 delivery vehicles & an invest
We have been a distributor of housekeeping products for the past 2 years. Have a team of 2 sales staff and serving around 70 retailers at the moment. We have a godown and a vehicle to supply products. We can spend Rs. 50 thousand
We have been distributing surgical equipment across Jharkhand for 'Romsons' one of India's leading surgical equipment manufacturer for 20 years. With the help of 5 sales staff, we are currently serving around 20 wholesalers and 4
I have been a distributor of Sikkim Organic Tea, Organic India, Delight Nuts, Gourmet Delight Wafers, Tadaa Corn & Sanitizer in Sikkim. Have a team of 15 staff & serving 30 wholesalers plus 40 retailers at present. Have a godown a
We have around 40 years of experience in the Pharma business. Since 1995, we have been a C&F agency in the Pharma industry. We serve the entire Jharkhand. We have godown space of 6000 sqr feet & transport facility. We are ready to
I have been in sales and business development of medicine for the last 16 years & recently I have started my own distribution business of medicines.With the help of 8 staff members, I am currently supplying medicines to 4 wholes
For the past 5 years, we have been working as a super stockist of medicines, surgical items, protective items & medical devices in Kanksa, West Bengal. We have a team of 23 staff & serving 30 distributors at the moment. We also ha
We have been in business for more than 20 years. We are currently working as a super stockist and wholesaler for Agarbhatis and Deedis in Krishna, Andhrapradesh. Have a team of 5 sales staff and serving more than 20 villages. We a
It has been more than 10 years since we are working as a distributor and super stockist for different companies. With the help of 10 sales staff, we are serving 20 wholesalers at present. We have 10000 sqr feet of godown available
We have been a distributor & super stockist of pharma products for the last few years in Kolkata. We have a team of 4 sales staff & serving around 100 retailers at present. We can arrange the necessary space as immediately as per