Enquiry No. : B-113273 NSW (Australia)
Description :Dear Sir,
We manufacture industrial odour control equipment which is powered by a
high voltage transformer (Inductive load) and the transformer, in turn,
powers electron tubes (Capacitive load)
So, that our load is inductive/capacitive.
The output of the transformer and the electron tubes is severely affected by
harmonics from the incoming mains power.
Mains voltage:
220-240 VAC (1-phase) 3- wire
380-415 VAC (3-phase) 4- wire
Amps: 3-30 Amps
Watts: 250-2500 Watts
Power factor: 0.30-0.35Cos (Leading)
Required residual harmonic distortion: MAS. 5% residual
Please offer a suitable active harmonic filter.
The quantity we need is 4 pieces
Yours truly