Enquiry No. : 6060348 Hanoi (Vietnam)
Description :We are looking to buy 200 MT of Alloy seamless tube
ASTM a519 AISI 41301;
Size 2.420 inches OD x 0.366inches wall;
(O. D. Tolerance more 0.030inches; less 0.015inches);
Wall tolerance: 0.021inches;
2. Lengths 30feet-40feet random lengths typical.
Up to 5% of total number of pieces may be shorter than 30feet;
Grade AISI 4130 with phosphorus and sulfur 0.025 maximum.
3. Heat treatment (important)- quenched & tempered;
4. -Fine grain practice; 5. Mechanical properties:
Tensile 125,000 PSI minimum;
yield 0.2% offset 110,000 PSI minimum;
Elongation in 2" gage length 15% minimum;
Reduction in area,35% minimum.
6. -Charpy v notch @ 0 Celsius average
3 Specimens 20 ft/lb minimum;
Single specimen 15 ft/lb minimum
7. -hardness Rockwell c scale 30 - 37 (BHN 285-341)8. ?
No weld repair; -integrity
The product must be of high quality free of cracks, fissures,
inclusions, laps, stringers, or other evidence of potential defects.
Material shall be capable of examination using the following
method and acceptance criteria:
Manufacturer/supplier shall 100% examine product by
ultrasonic examination in accordance with manufacturers'
written procedure. Procedure shall conform to
requirements of ASTM e-213 using the shear wave angle
beam method in two or four directions.
The depth of the reference notches in the calibration standard
shall not be greater than 10% of wall thickness of the product.
Original manufacturer certification to include: Heat number;
product description; melt practice; chemistry;
heat treatment with heat treat parameters; grain size;
physical properties including tensile, yield, elongation,
reduction in area, impact values; BHN values from test coupon
(two tests) and hardness range taken from product sampling;
NDE test results as applicable; no weld repair;
no mercury contamination.
Any question please contact with us