Enquiry No. : 7101547 London (Canada)
Description :Good Morning , Please confirm the price for
the 100% exactly the same as below top quality Clipboard
Calculators specifications
Looking to buy clipboard calculators. I will need you to print
medical and nursing information on them. Please give me
competitive quotes - including shipping.
Sorry - I meant an 8 digit calculator - nine numbers of
course, but 8 digit display
About 35cm x 20cm 9 digit calculator - Shipped to New Jersey
USA. You will have to print on the front and back of the
clipboard nursing and medical information,
I have all the content -
Please send me information about your company, website
if available -
Want to order the clipboard calculators tomorrow
Please let me know if you are able to supply me with
these and when I can expect samples.
Note: Also I want to get prices at below factory
market prices. Thank you very much & have a very great day.
Very top urgent.