Enquiry No. : 8070334 Califorrnia (USA)
Description :Hello Gentlemen
We are located in California, USA
Our Company Specialize in buying total inventories for cash
For almost any quantity of products - ranging from a few hundred
pieces to entire warehouses .
But for your attention: We do not pay wholesale prices, or even
cost-we buy b e l o w cost-
This meant we will pay you for your any wholesale cost -only from
14% to 15% of your wholesale cost
But we are keeping the product off of your normal sellers market .
We deal in most any type of completed consumer items.
Please look around your warehouse and if you should have any merchandise
like I mentioned, please write or call us.
We can help you and turn a problem into a solution for you and your
Best regards.
Be considered, you have to provide us with the DDP
(Delivered Duty Paid) Los Angeles, CA Prices.
to sell to us, please go to, our website click "Submit your inventory"
tab, fill out " merchandise analyses form" and submit merchandise
button ...
Our buying department will contact with you a s a p.