Enquiry No. : B-108235 Sana'a City (Yemen)
Description :Dear Sir,
Please check which items you can quote from the following list:
S.N. Item QtyManufactorySpecial reference
1 Filter (Crystal) 1.5 MHz 50 Thales ref. 16391939
2 Plug 300 Thales ref. 99048825
3 Transformer 200 Thales ref. 16301030
4 Oscillator 30 Thales ref. 16331012
5 Antenna tuning switch 50 Thales ref. 700219
6 Switch100 Racal ref. 700219
7 Cable 3 x 7100 Racal ref. 719118/0250
8 Transistor20AAX8211
9 Transistor205NU74
10 Transistor100NPN60161
11 Transistor (Pair)100 Racal ref. 711356
12 Transistor (Pair)100 Racal ref. 711365/711356
13 Transistor1002N3055 NPN Racal ref. 915654
14 Transistor (Pair)2002N5849
15 Transistor (Pair)200SRF1342
16 Transistor2002N3073
17 Transistor200BZX61
18 Transistor200TIS62
19 Transistor502C2539
20 Transistor502C2630
21 Transistor100BDX35
22 Transistor100ZTX237 Racal ref. 923171
23 Transistor100TIS62 Racal ref. 924011
24 Transistor100BFT51F Thales ref. 91361994
25 Transistor (PAIR)100BUX20 Thales ref. 99095829
26 Transistor502SC2539 Nabish1 ref. G3325390
27 Transistor502SC2630 Nabish1 ref. G3326300
28 Integrated circuit50RA-60H1317M Nabish1 ref.
29 Integrated circuit50TDA2003 Nabish1 ref. G1090815
30 Integrated circuit100 SL610C
31 Integrated circuit20ESM236
32 Integrated circuit100MC1356
33 Integrated circuit50RA60H1317M
34 Diode1000IN647
35 Diode5062R2R
36 Diode1000IN645
37 Diode300F12
38 Diode100BAV-10
39 Diode100B6-KA18 Nabish1 ref. G9000721
40 Resistor 100 Ohm/6.5 W 5%500100? /6.5W
41 Resistor 4.7 Ohm/7 W 5%5004.7? /7W
42 Resistor 4.7 Ohm/7 W 5%50010? /6.5W
43 Capacitor50047?F/16V
44 Capacitor50047?F/25V
45 Fuse (1?" x ?") 6.3A for TRC372 5000
46 Socket300 Thales ref. 91333123
47 Interrupter300 Thales ref. 99003214
48 Interrupter300 Thales ref. 91301668
49 Socket100 Thales ref. 99048825
50 Self300 Thales ref. 16307520
51 Self300 Thales ref. 926231
52 Transformer100 Thales ref. 16301030
53 Transformer200 Racal ref. 710064
54 8 Core audio cable with 1000 Length in meter
shielded planted 372
55 Base Antenna for TRC 55920016452017
56 Switch (Antenna tuning) for TRC 372 50 16333226
When replying, please send us a pro-forma invoice for the
order including the shipping charges C&F Sana'a Airport-Yemen.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon
Asst. General Manager