Enquiry No. : 5101672 Goole (UK)
Description :Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your interest in our company and we enclose
Further details for your information:
We used to manufacture education furniture from two sites
up to the end of 2003 when we decided to take advantage of
the global market place to enable us to be more cost effective
on the larger projects.
In our last year of manufacturing we turned over in excess
of $12 million and at present we are talking to some of the
largest construction companies involved in the Government
Programs to refurbish/replace schools in the UK.
We are looking for suppliers of Laboratory, office, kitchen,
Bathroom and commercial furniture and all associated
support products.
If you would like to discuss this further please contact me
directly via email. If this is not of interest to your company
we wish you well in all your ventures.
Kind regards
Important Notes:
We have been experiencing problems with emails over the
last ten days due to our web and email servers being
upgraded to handle the increase in volume and this has led
to a number of emails being bounced back to the sender or
in some cases being rejected and lost. Could you please
check your records and re introduce your company along
with its products and services?
Very Important - - - - - -
When you reply to this email could you please ensure
that the Subject line is formatted in the following manner
to ensure you enquiry gets dealt with promptly.