Enquiry No. : 8021049 London (Canada)
Description :Good Morning
We are sourcing tiny items only in the size of 1" (2.5 cm) or smaller.
We need all types of items such as charms, statues of deities and people,
beads, dollhouse accessories, bells, animals, and other little trinkets.
They can be in any material, including wood, bone, metal (lead-free),
phthalate-free polyresin, textile, leather, marble, terracotta, glass, stone
and so forth. Please do not contact me with offers for any item other
than what I have described. I am sourcing items ONLY in this size.
All of the items need to be inexpensive and nontoxic, but not look
cheap. Please contact me if you would like to see a photo of
representative objects. Thank you very much.
Attached please find pictures of the types of items we are sourcing.
They do not have to be identical to these, but must be of nice quality,
lead-safe and phthalate-free. We will only do business with factories
that have certification according to the European standards for safety,
that give their employees a fair wage, reasonable working hours and
otherwise treat their employees well.
Thanks so much for the inquiry.
Kindest Regards
Thank You