Enquiry No. : 6050234 Cairo (Egypt)
Description :We are interested in your product of TV main board
in a quantity of 2k of the following components:
1- IC processor m61260/m61264
2- IC TV processor m37160
3- Transistor 2 sd5296
ICTV processor lc 8633 4-
IC chip la 76818a 5-
Transistor 2sc 5339 6-
IC la7841 7-
IC TV processor tda 9381 8-
9- IC tda 9859
10- Transistor 2 sd1651
11- Transistor 2 SD 4429
Please send us details of your product specifications and price
terms for shipment to the port of Cairo -Egypt by the way
of air shipment
We look forward to hearing from you soon.