Description : In the year 1964, we started manufacturing Peanut bars, other traditional Indian sweets, and savories using traditional methods. Now we manufacture a variety of Biscuits & Cookies, Candies, Toffees, Jellies, Lollipops, Chocolates and many more. As an investment, we need a nominal amount of 50k to 2 lakhs along with storage space. Please contact us directly for business.
Company | Dolphin Fooods India Ltd |
State / City | TELANGANA/Rangareddy |
Required Distribution Territory | pan india |
Distribution Partners Working Anywhere? | PAN INDIA |
Products on Offer | Candies, Toffees , Jellies, Lollipops, Chocolates etc |
Required Educational Qualification | Any |
Investment Required | Rs. 50,000 - Rs. 2lac |
Security Deposit | Case and Cary |