Description : A Mixture of the old tradition and new choice, Govind Sudha Perfumes is counted among the leading perfume and attar producers of India. Their Eco-friendly aroma products are FDA approved and widely popular across generations. Being the owner of the elegant and rich brands like Ragamala and OUD series they have gained the trust of the consumers. Their most popular products in these series are Gulab Desi, Heena Surabhi, Kewda Kalyani, Shahi Shamama and Patchouli Diffuser oil. They are searching for distributors and franchises for attars, concentrated perfume oils and diffuser oils across India. Interested partners contact at the earliest.
Company | Govind Sudha Perfumes |
State / City | MAHARASHTRA/Mumbai |
Required Distribution Territory | pan india |
Distribution Partners Working Anywhere? | NIL |
Products on Offer | Attars, Concentrated Perfume Oils, Diffuser Oils, Gift PacksNail polishLive Plants |
Required Educational Qualification | Graduate |
Investment Required | Rs. 2lac - Rs.5lac |
Security Deposit | nil |