Description : Being India's leading exporters of Agar Agar and other Hydrocolloids, we have recently introduced our consumer packaging in Agar Agar powder and strips (China Grass), Spreadable type Agar Agar called Wondergel and Carrageenan variants. These products are used for making cake glaze, desserts, ice creams, smoothies among others. Successful online, we now want to ensure availability of our products in local supermarkets across the country.
Looking for Super stockiest / Distributors Pan India
Company | Marine Hydrocolloids |
State / City | KERALA/Kochi |
Required Distribution Territory | pan india |
Distribution Partners Working Anywhere? | PAN INDIA |
Products on Offer | Agar Agar | China Grass – It is a complex hydrocolloid extracted from red seaweeds commonly used as gelling, stabilizing and thickening agent. It is used as 100% vegetarian substitute for Gelatin (which is manufactured from animal bones and skin). It is widely used in fruit jelly candies & cake, milk-based jelly, puddings, souffle, marshmallows, marmalades, fruit caviar, bakery fillings etc. Spreadable Agar | Wondergel – It is a unique functional ingredient obtained by transforming the rigid structure of native Agar Agar with no chemical treatment for giving a softer, spreadable, smooth, & creamy products such as cold glaze, set, stirred & drinkable yoghurts, spreadable jams & marmalades, mousse, panna cotta, fondant etc.Carrageenan – It is a hydrocolloid that belongs to a family of water-soluble polysaccharides extracted from certain species of red seaweeds. It is widely used in water & milk-based desserts, flavoured milk, yoghurts, processed cheese, jelly shake, bubble tea pearl, ice cream, meat & sausages etc. Xanthan Gum – A small amount of Xanthan Gum when added to liquids can vastly increase the viscosity, making it useful for a variety of products that require thickening. Used mainly in Sauces, Ice creams, Salad dressings and other frozen foods. It can also be used as an alternative for gluten free products and replacement of egg for texture. Similarly, can be used as an emulsifier in tooth pastes, creams, lotions and shampoos. We do have both Xanthan Gum & Xanthan Gum transparent grade. Sea life – Sea life is our 2 in 1 texturizer and plant based dietary fibre, made from 100% pure pulverized Gracilaria seaweed. It is mainly used in Health foods, Dietic Probiotic food, Iodine Fortified food, Texturized foods for Hospital patients, Palatable food for aged, Food and beverages for dysphagia disorder etc. Gellan Gum – used as a gelling agent in microbiological culture and plant tissue culture. With prominent gelling property it is widely used in Food and beverage industry, Pharmaceuticals, Personal care, Cosmetics and Home care indsutries. Sodium Alginate – It is the sodium salt form of alginic acid and gum mainly extracted from the cell walls of brown algae, with chelating activity. Suitable for pharmaceuticals industry, food industry, impressions, cosmetics etc. Guar Gum – It is derived from the endosperm of guar beans. It is useful as a thickening agent, emulsifier and stabilizer. Guar gum applications includes bakery, breads, jams, salad dressings, sauces, dairy, cheese & spreads, Processed meat etc. Masque It – One stop solution for skin health. Its 100% vegan and an all-natural substitute for chemical gelling agents. Used to nourish and tighten skin and remove unwanted hair, blackheads, whiteheads etc. |
Required Educational Qualification | Nil |
Investment Required | Rs. 50,000 - Rs. 2lac |
Security Deposit | Nill |