Enquiry No. : 8052242 Kielce (Poland)
Description :Dir Sir or Madame
Our customer is Big Bags (Jumbo Bags, Bulk Bags) importer.
We organize import for our customer company for over one year.
The factory from China, which was producing for us had very long
production time, and that is why we must change it to another one.
The quality which factory produces for us is very good, but price is
also little higher than we expect.
Here is an order, we await your offer and quotation. Please also note
that prices CNF Poland Gdynia seaport will be very helpful for us.
Big bags:
Material: polystyrene (PS)
Size: 1m x 1m x 1,20m(height)
Color: white
We await your reply and please note that we want to establish long
time cooperation with company which will offer us bottom prices,
good quality and fast production time.
ps. we also need photo and samples for our customer, and please also
note that first trial order will be 20' container