Enquiry No. : 6100683 Khartoum (Sudan)
Description :Purchasing of (5000) Pales Std \"B\" Twill
Jute Bags
To the above mentioned subject we like to inform you that
we have desire to purchase the above quantity
- (2500 ) Bales STD \"B\" Twill Jute BAGS 44x26.5, 2.25 lbs,
6x8 HD, OHDS,3blue stripes, 300 bags per bale
- (2500) Binola Jute Bags ( \"B\" Twill lighter wt. ) 44x26.5,
2.00 lbs, 6x7 HD,OHDS, 3 blue stripes 300 bags per bale.
Please determine the price, noting that the price will be ?
CNF. Port Sudan
Best Regards,