Enquiry No. : B-104127 Kowloon (Hong Kong )
Description :Dear Manufacturers,
Hope everything goes well from you.
We are sourcing the cheap quality trolley bag and the sizes are marked as below:
The sizes we need in 2pcs set
The sizes we need in 3pcs set
If you are able to supply,
Please contact us urgently
We would like to request you as follows:
1. Please quote the best FOB (or CIF) price. If FOB, advise port of loading.
2. Please provide full specifications (Size and material etc) of the product
in your offer
3. Please give us the full packing details i.e. quantity per carton,
measurement or CBM/carton, gross weight or container loading quantity
4. Please also advise the min order quantity/Item (If applicable)
5. We prefer to receive offers in Excel format with a photo
of the item embedded or you can also attach
photo for the item only separately in jpeg format and we shall embed the
same in the excel worksheet
Please do not protect the worksheet so that we can modify the same to
add our profit and quote to the client
6. Please do not offer us in abode PDF format as we are unable to add
our profit margin unless the format of the file is changed to excel or
other compatible format.
If you cannot offer in excel, you can also send us in word or text
format and we shall do the conversion by ourselves
Thanks for your attention and sorry for the trouble.
We look forward to your soonest reply.
Thanks and have a nice day