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Kerio Connect is a mail server and an all-in-one collaboration tool deployed by more than 30-thousand companies around the world. It can be installed on multiple operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS and Linux.Kerio Connect is just the right size for SMBs with smaller budgets and limited IT staff. It’s easy to manage, easy to deploy and typically costs less than “big brand” solutions.
Kerio Connect is a mail server and an all-in-one collaboration tool deployed by more than 30-thousand companies around the world. It can be installed on multiple operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS and Linux.Kerio Connect is just the right size for SMBs with smaller budgets and limited IT staff. It’s easy to manage, easy to deploy and typically costs less than “big brand” solutions.
USD price per seat per user per annum
GFI Software develops business-IT essential software targeted for small and medium businesses. Over 80,000 customers choose GFI solutions for network management and performance, security, and collaboration applications. GFI Software is available through thousands of partners dedicated to serving specific countries and regions worldwide.Our focus is the right capabilities priced for the SMB, and easy to use and deploy through our channel partners.